IMPORTANT: Forum updated

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IMPORTANT: Forum updated

Postby luit » Tue 21 Feb 2012, 19:29

Today we left our free hosting companies causing troubles in connections and always suspending our site because we generated too much traffic or too much email.
It costed me an awful lot of time to keep te site running more or less, which prevented me from spending enough time on swapping coins :(

Our forum member pecival offered to sponsor the forum by arranging proffesional hosting for us. In return we will offer him space for a banner on the forum.
I also bought the domainname, so we have a real own domain by now and we don't need to use the free service of .tk anymore which is blocked by some companies.

We also try to add new functions to the forum, one of them will be a completely new for sale system.

Of course all this will cost some money, I already spent some by buying the domain names. There will also be costs on regular base as renewal of domain etc.
When we all donate something it should be easy to keep our community alive.

Therefore we now also have a "donate" function making it easy to help us in maintaining the forum.
You can find it as a link on top of the page.
We will place forumsponsors in a special group which might have extra access in the forum, but that has to be worked out.
Everybody who donates 10 euro or more in a year will get the right to place a banner and link on the forum, as long as it is suitable for all ages :oops:

In case we get too much sponsors we have to find a creative solution for the banners.

I hope I receive a lot of donations soon to show we can continue, because free hosting is not a real solution.


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Re: IMPORTANT: Forum updated

Postby luit » Wed 22 Feb 2012, 13:23

We have our first forum donator, fabriven is the first member who "tested" the donate function ;)
So our rank "Donator" has its first member.

Thank you Fabrizio!!